The Amulet: Assistance in World-Crossing
This tattoo amulet embraces the functionalities of the immunity tattoo chip after the spiritual technology’s initial injection and integration into the body. The tattoo, beyond strengthening the bond between those who share its publicly visible representation, adjusts the metabolic processes in the body to the most readily available resources. One example is a transfer to a photosynthetic system, changing things even down to a cellular structure to compensate for a lack of food by using sunlight instead, just like a plant would. This primary function emphasizes adaptability to resource access. Because of the state of the planet that the amulet and technology originated, the tattoo is required in order to collaborate on a social level. It also syncs and shares the data between all users to provide the most efficient possible solution to survival for each of them accordingly.
This eliminates competition for survival but creates a different division between tattoo bearing citizens and home dwellers without. It is generally a personal choice though one driven from fear of bodily rejection or the invasive, but individually done, procedure itself. The initial purpose of the tattoo was protection from the environmental factors, and it has progressed to also possess properties similar to those of Earth Crystals which can be charged with spiritual properties like healing, strength, psychic abilities, protection, grounding, memory, and many more!