looking back from even further in the future...
Thousands of decades and hundreds of thousands of participants in integrating with the Immunity Chip later, Keerotera’s humanoid population became very much so less human. Due to the technology of the chips system and the data it collected from its user being central to finding the most efficient survival rate, humanoids started live evolving into many different styles of creatures. Previously explored as a solution to the lack of natural resources, the best calculated result from the perspective of the chip was a photosynthetic system where cells changed form to accept sunlight as food, especially as the number of receivers continued to exponentially grow. The device misunderstood the vast amount of resources needed for survival as well as what it takes to survive particularly well as a humanoid. Per its data collection, the best case for survival for the number of participants it hit, was to further change the state of the beings…
The device’s data threshold for resource sharing was surpassed, causing humanoids to suddenly attach and grow roots into fertile areas of soil while going about their daily foraging. The day-to-day life expectancy immediately changed as different parts of the body fully evolved into root and plant systems forcing lifestyles to become completely static. Today as travelers from across galaxies make trips to distant worlds, Keerotera is only observed from the airspace in order to protect and preserve the mutant human plant beings inhabiting its entire surface, turning it completely into what is known as a "fly over planet." Technically, the chip was not incorrect in its efficiency calculation, as survival rates are as high as ever, humanoid life has just taken a completely new affordable form: flowers, vegetation, trees, and other indescribably beautiful combinations.
Occasionally, expert researchers are still granted the opportunity to do minimal, non-invasive discovery journeys on the surface of Keerotera. Their imagery and descriptions have taught us that the entire structure and ecosystem of the planet rapidly evolves and restructures itself frequently. One consistency always remains, a visible swirl tattoo marker of the chip showcasing the locations and social structures the humanoids chose to remain in after obtaining and accepting the knowledge that they would in fact become static with the planet’s landscapes. Groupings of similar looking plants indicate a family gathering took place as the final humanistic ritual, and linking branches show hands once held and now fused together as one. Exact information about the deminishing populations who had not received the immunity chip lacks as there is no visible physical representation left of them at all.
Reflecting on the ways different planets’ ecosysems through the galaxy have been treated by their respective populations throughout all of anthropocentric history, the most apparent results appear as abuse, exploitation, and destruction. Even today it is most common to remain in your family or group’s flying space station above any planet’s surface, except for quick, massive holiday and feestival celebrations in approved areas. This is not a result of the previous isolation despite what some may think, as it works to keep social life and community connection at the forefront of the space station’s technology, ensuring that no one is ever lonely. The space stations became the preferable way of living when previously innovative global connctivity reached galactic sized community and collaborative levels.